JEE Main 2025 Session 2: NTA Announces Examination Schedule

Upon reviewÂing the offiÂcial notice from the NationÂal TestÂing Agency (NTA) datÂed March 10, 2025, I have idenÂtiÂfied and corÂrectÂed inacÂcuÂraÂcies in the preÂviÂous inforÂmaÂtion proÂvidÂed. Here are the accuÂrate details:
1. Joint Entrance ExamÂiÂnaÂtion (JEE) Main 2025 SesÂsion 2:
- ExamÂiÂnaÂtion SchedÂule: The NTA has announced that the JEE (Main) 2025 SesÂsion 2 will be conÂductÂed on April 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14, 2025.​
ConÂtact InforÂmaÂtion:
For any queries or assisÂtance, canÂdiÂdates can reach out to the NTA through the folÂlowÂing chanÂnels:
- Address: First Floor, NSIC-MDBP BuildÂing, Okhla IndusÂtriÂal Estate, New DelÂhi, DelÂhi 110020​
- GenÂerÂal Inquiries:​
- Helpline NumÂbers: 011–69227700, 011–40759000​
CanÂdiÂdates are advised to regÂuÂlarÂly check the offiÂcial NTA webÂsite ( and the respecÂtive examÂiÂnaÂtion porÂtals for the most recent updates and notiÂfiÂcaÂtions.
For detailed inforÂmaÂtion, refer to the offiÂcial NTA notice:
StayÂing informed through offiÂcial chanÂnels ensures that aspiÂrants have accuÂrate and timeÂly inforÂmaÂtion, aidÂing in effecÂtive prepaÂraÂtion and sucÂcessÂful parÂticÂiÂpaÂtion in these examÂiÂnaÂtions.