Audio ExplainaÂtion ComÂing Soon…
- ArchaeÂbacÂteÂria: A unique group of bacÂteÂria adaptÂed to surÂvive in extreme enviÂronÂments.
- Key CharÂacÂterÂisÂtics:
- Extremophiles: Thrive in harsh conÂdiÂtions where most othÂer life forms canÂnot surÂvive.
- DisÂtinct Cell Wall: DifÂferÂent cell wall strucÂture comÂpared to othÂer bacÂteÂria, enabling their surÂvival in extreme enviÂronÂments.
- Types of ArchaeÂbacÂteÂria:
- Halophiles: Live in extremeÂly salty enviÂronÂments (e.g., salt lakes).
- TherÂmoaciÂdophiles: Found in hot, acidic enviÂronÂments like hot springs and volÂcanic vents.
- Methanogens: InhabÂit oxyÂgen-free enviÂronÂments like marshÂes and swamps; proÂduce methane gas.
- Methanogens and RumiÂnants:
- Live in the digesÂtive sysÂtem of rumiÂnant aniÂmals (cows, bufÂfaloes).
- Play a cruÂcial role in digestÂing plant mateÂrÂiÂal.
- ProÂduce methane (bioÂgas) as a byprodÂuct of their metabÂoÂlism, which is released from the aniÂmal’s dung.