Subtopic: Symmetry
Animal Symmetry: Animals can be categorized based on their body symmetry. ASYMMETRY: Sponges are mostly asymmetrical.No plane passing through the...

Sub-subtopic: Organ system
DIGESTIVE SYSTEMS: Incomplete Digestive System: Single opening to the outside.This opening serves as both mouth and anus. Example: Platyhelminthes (flatworms)....

Subtopic: Level of organisation
Levels of Organization in Animalia MULTICELLULARITY: All members of Animalia are multicellular. However, the organization of these cells varies significantly....

Topic: Basis of Classification
Need for Classification: There are over a million species of animals described, making classification crucial. Classification helps in organizing animals...

Subtopic: How do we Conserve Biodiversity
How Do We Conserve Biodiversity? 1. Approaches to Biodiversity Conservation Biodiversity conservation can be broadly categorized into two approaches: In...

Topic: Biodiversity Conservation
sources. 2. Broadly Utilitarian Arguments Ecosystem Services Provided by Biodiversity: Biodiversity underpins essential natural services that maintain ecological balance: Oxygen...

Sub-subtopic: Causes of Biodiversity Loss
The accelerated rates of species extinction today are primarily due to human activities. These causes are often referred to as...

Subtopic: Loss of Biodiversity
1. Decline in Biodiversity Ongoing Losses: Although speciation (formation of new species) seems rare, species loss is an undeniable reality....

Subtopic: The importance of Species Diversity to the Ecosystem
Key Question Does the number of species in a community matter to ecosystem functioning? Ecologists have debated this for years,...

Subtopic: Patterns of Biodiversity: Species-Area Relationship
Key Observation by Alexander von Humboldt Species richness increases with an increase in the explored area, but only up to...