Subtopic: Life History Variation
Reproductive Fitness: Populations evolve to maximize their reproductive fitness (also called Darwinian fitness). High reproductive fitness is associated with a...

Sub-subtopic: Logistic growth
Resource Limitation in Nature: Unlimited resources do not exist in nature for any species. Limited resources lead to competition among...

Sub-subtopic : Exponential growth
Predictable Patterns in Population Growth Population growth can follow specific and predictable patterns over time. Human population growth has raised...

Subtopic: Population growth
Population Size and Dynamics Population size for any species is not constant; it changes over time due to: Food availability....

Subtopic: Population Attributes
Definition of a Population A population consists of a group of individuals of the same species: Living in a well-defined...

Topic: Organisms and Its Environment
1. Introduction to Biological Complexity Our living world is both diverse and complex, consisting of multiple levels of biological organization:...

Sub — Sub Topic : The Endoplasmic Reticulum
asm. Types of Endoplasmic Reticulum: Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER): Ribosomes attached to the outer surface. Observed in cells involved in...

Sub Topic : Dinoflagellates
Dinoflagellates: Mostly marine (saltwater) organisms with the ability to photosynthesize (like plants). Appearance: Exhibit a variety of colors (yellow, green,...