Biological Classification (Introduction)

- EarÂly ClasÂsiÂfiÂcaÂtion:
- DriÂven by pracÂtiÂcal needs (food, shelÂter, clothÂing).
- ArisÂtotle’s simÂple clasÂsiÂfiÂcaÂtion:
- Plants: Trees, shrubs, herbs (based on morÂpholÂoÂgy).
- AniÂmals: Red-bloodÂed vs. non-red-bloodÂed.
- LinÂnaeus’ Two-KingÂdom SysÂtem:
- PlanÂtae & AniÂmalia
- LimÂiÂtaÂtions:
- DidÂn’t difÂferÂenÂtiÂate between prokaryÂotes and eukaryÂotes.
- DidÂn’t sepÂaÂrate uniÂcelÂluÂlar and mulÂtiÂcelÂluÂlar organÂisms.
- Grouped phoÂtoÂsynÂthetÂic (algae) and non-phoÂtoÂsynÂthetÂic (funÂgi) organÂisms togethÂer.
- Need for a New SysÂtem:
- Many organÂisms didÂn’t fit into plant or aniÂmal catÂeÂgories.
- Need to incorÂpoÂrate charÂacÂterÂisÂtics beyond morÂpholÂoÂgy:
- Cell strucÂture
- Cell wall comÂpoÂsiÂtion
- Mode of nutriÂtion
- HabiÂtat
- ReproÂducÂtion methÂods
- EvoÂluÂtionÂary relaÂtionÂships
- ModÂern ClasÂsiÂfiÂcaÂtion:
- KingÂdoms beyond PlanÂtae and AniÂmalia introÂduced.
- Five-kingÂdom sysÂtem (includes MonÂera, ProÂtista, FunÂgi)
- UnderÂstandÂing of which organÂisms belong to speÂcifÂic kingÂdoms has evolved.
- OngoÂing changes and refineÂments to clasÂsiÂfiÂcaÂtion sysÂtems.
Key KingÂdoms:
- MonÂera: ProkaryÂotÂic organÂisms (e.g., bacÂteÂria)
- ProÂtista: MostÂly uniÂcelÂluÂlar eukaryÂotÂic organÂisms (e.g., amoeÂba, algae)
- FunÂgi: EukaryÂotÂic, hetÂerotrophÂic organÂisms with chitiÂnous cell walls (e.g., mushÂrooms, yeasts)
- PlanÂtae: EukaryÂotÂic, mulÂtiÂcelÂluÂlar, phoÂtoÂsynÂthetÂic organÂisms with celÂluÂlose cell walls (e.g., trees, ferns)
- AniÂmalia: EukaryÂotÂic, mulÂtiÂcelÂluÂlar, hetÂerotrophÂic organÂisms withÂout cell walls (e.g., insects, mamÂmals)
OthÂer ImporÂtant Groups:
- VirusÂes: Non-celÂluÂlar entiÂties, conÂsidÂered non-livÂing by some.
- Viroids: InfecÂtious agents comÂposed of RNA.
- Lichens: SymÂbiÂotÂic assoÂciÂaÂtions between funÂgi and algae.