NEET Physics Ultimate Revision Course – Master Concepts, Conquer NEET!
Physics is the backÂbone of NEET! It’s the subÂject that sets topÂpers apart and decides ranks. But don’t just memÂoÂrize forÂmuÂlas—underÂstand the logÂic, masÂter the appliÂcaÂtions, and train like a pro with this one-of-a-kind reviÂsion coursedesigned to help you crack even the toughÂest Physics quesÂtions with ease.
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🔹 đź“– ConÂcept-DriÂven Notes (Short & Detailed) – Break down comÂplex theÂoÂries into simÂple, exam-focused insights with crisp reviÂsion notes & elabÂoÂratÂed explaÂnaÂtions.
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⚡ It’s NOT Just About ForÂmuÂlas – It’s About UnderÂstandÂing! This course ensures you grasp every conÂcept deeplyand apply it like a topÂper.
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⚡ NCERT is Your Bible – MasÂter It FulÂly! Our notes, PYQs, and pracÂtice tests are 100% NCERT-aligned to help you score maxÂiÂmum marks with minÂiÂmum effort.
⚡ From Weak to Strong – TransÂform Your Physics Approach! No topÂic will seem conÂfusÂing once you revise with our strucÂtured and effecÂtive methodÂolÂoÂgy.
đź’ˇ Physics is the key to a 650+ NEET score! This is the only course that gives you comÂplete conÂcepÂtuÂal clarÂiÂty, probÂlem-solvÂing masÂtery, and exam-levÂel pracÂtice—all in one place! Don’t let Physics hold you back—start your ultiÂmate reviÂsion today!đź©ş
- 29 Sections
- 368 Lessons
- 10 Weeks
- Units And Measurement9
- 1.0Topic : The international system of units
- 1.1Topic: Fundamental Quantities and their units (S.I. system)
- 1.3Topic: Dimensional Analysis
- 1.4Topic: Principle of Homogeneity
- 1.5Topic: Measurement and unit conversion
- 1.6Topic: Accuracy and precision
- 1.7Topic: Errors
- 1.8Topic: Significant figures
- 1.9Topic: Instruments
- Motion in A Straight Line7
- 3.0Topic: Physical Quantities in vector form
- 3.1Topic: Motion in a plane
- 3.2Topic: Motion in a plane with constant acceleration
- 3.3Topic: Motion Under Gravity and Free fall
- 3.4Topic: Projectile Motion
- 3.5Topic: Complementary Angles
- 3.6Topic: Relative Motion in Two Dimension
- 3.7Topic: Uniform Circular Motion
- Laws of Motion9
- Work, Energy And Power9
- 5.0Topic: The Work-Energy Theorem (notions of work)
- 5.1Topic: Work
- 5.2Topic: Work Done By Variable Forces
- 5.3Topic: Kinetic Energy
- 5.4Topic: Potential Energy
- 5.5Topic: The conservation of Mechanical Energy
- 5.6Topic: Potential Energy of a Spring
- 5.7Topic: Various Forms of energy (The Law of conservation of energy)
- 5.8Topic: Power
- Centre Of Mass and Collision6
- System Of Particles And Rotational Motion17
- 7.0Topic: Types of Motion Performed By Rigid Bodies
- 7.1Topic: Linear Momentum Of A System Of Particles
- 7.2Topic: Angular Velocity and its relation with Linear Velocity and Angular Acceleration
- 7.3Topic: Moment Of Inertia
- 7.4Topic: Moment of Inertia Of Continues Body
- 7.5Topic: Theorem Of Perpendicular And Parallel Axes
- 7.6Topic: Moment Of Inertia For Two Particular Systems
- 7.7Topic: Rotational Kinetic Energy
- 7.8Topic: Radius of Gyration
- 7.9Topic: Torque and Angular Momentum
- 7.10Topic: Conservation Of Angular Momentum
- 7.11Topic: Equilibrium Of A Rigid Body
- 7.12Topic: Kinematics of Rotational Motion About A fixed Axis
- 7.13Topic: Dynamics of Rotational Motion About A Fixed Axis
- 7.14Topic: Angular Momentum In Case Of Rotations About A Fixed Axis
- 7.15Topic: Rolling Motion
- 7.16Topic: Kinetic Energy Of Rolling Motion
- Gravitation11
- 8.0Topic: Newton’s Law of Gravitation
- 8.1Topic: Gravitational Field Intensity
- 8.2Topic: Acceleration Due To Gravity Of Earth
- 8.3Topic: Acceleration due to Gravity Below And Above The Surface Of Earth
- 8.4Topic: Variation in Acceleration Due To Gravity Due To Rotation Of Earth And Shape Of Earth
- 8.5Topic: Gravitational Potential Energy
- 8.6Topic: Escape speed
- 8.7Topic: Earth Satellite
- 8.8Topic: Orbiting Satellite
- 8.9Topic: Geostationary Satellite
- 8.10Topic: Kepler’s Laws
- Mechanical Properties of Solids9
- Mechanical Properties of Fluids12
- 10.0Topic: Pressure
- 10.1Subtopic: Hydraulic Machines
- 10.2Topic: Streamline Flow
- 10.3Topic: Bernoulli’s Principle
- 10.4Subtopic: Torricelli’s Law, Venturi-Meter and Blood Flow and Heart Attack
- 10.5Subtopic: Dynamic Lift
- 10.6Topic: Viscosity
- 10.7Subtopic: Stoke’s Law
- 10.8Subtopic: Reynolds Number And Critical Velocity
- 10.9Topic: Surface Tension
- 10.10Subtopic: Surface Energy and Surface Tension
- 10.11Subtopic: Different Cases Of Surface Tension
- Thermal Properties Of Matter11
- 11.0Topic: Temperature And Heat
- 11.1Topic: Measurement Of Temperature
- 11.2Topic: Ideal Gas Equation And Absolute Temperature
- 11.3Topic: Thermal Expansion
- 11.4Topic: Specific Heat Capacity
- 11.5Topic: Calorimetry
- 11.6Topic: Change In State
- 11.7Subtopic: Latent Heat
- 11.8Topic: Heat Transfer
- 11.9Topic: Radiation
- 11.10Topic:Newton’s Law Of Cooling
- Thermodynamics11
- 12.0Topic: Thermal Equilibrium
- 12.1Topic: Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
- 12.2Topic: First Law of Thermodynamics
- 12.3Topic: First Law of Thermodynamics
- 12.4Topic: Specific Heat Capacity
- 12.5Topic: Thermodynamic State Variable And Equation Of State
- 12.6Topic: Thermodynamic Processes
- 12.7Topic: Refrigerators And Heat Pumps
- 12.8Topic: Second Law Of Thermodynamics
- 12.9Topic: Reversible And Irreversible Processes
- 12.10Topic: Carnot Engine
- Kinetic Theory8
- 14.0Topic: Molecular Nature Of Matter
- 14.1Topic: Behaviour of Gases
- 14.2Topic: Kinetic Theory Of An Ideal Gas
- 14.3Topic: Law Of Equipartition Of Energy
- 14.4Topic: Specific Heat Capacity
- 14.5Topic: Mean Free Path
- 14.6PYQ From Kinetic Theory10 Minutes0 Questions
- 14.7NCERT Questions From Kinetic Theory10 Minutes0 Questions
- Oscillations13
- 15.0Topic: Periodic Motion And Oscillatory Motion
- 15.1Topic: Period, Frequency And Displacement
- 15.2Topic: Simple Harmonic Motion
- 15.3Topic: Simple Harmonic Motion And Uniform Circular Motion
- 15.4Topic: Velocity and Acceleration In Simple Harmonic Motion
- 15.5Topic: Force Law for simple Harmonic Motion
- 15.6Topic: Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion
- 15.7Subtopic: Oscillations due to a spring
- 15.8Subtopic: The simple pendulum
- 15.9Topic: Damped Simple Harmonic Motion
- 15.10Topic: Forced oscillations and Resonance
- 15.11PYQ From Oscillations10 Minutes0 Questions
- 15.12NCERT Questions from Oscillations10 Minutes0 Questions
- Waves15
- 16.0Topic: Transverse and Longitudinal Waves
- 16.1Topic: Displacement Relation in Progressive Wave
- 16.2Subtopic: Amplitude and Phase
- 16.3Subtopic: Wavelength and Angular Wave Number
- 16.4Subtopic: Period, Angular Frequency and Frequency
- 16.5Topic: The speed of Travelling Waves
- 16.6Subtopic: Speed of Transverse wave on Stretched string
- 16.7Subtopic: Speed of a Longitudinal wave (speed of sound)
- 16.8Topic: The Principle Of Superposition Of Waves
- 16.9Topic: Reflection of Waves
- 16.10Subtopic: Standing Wave and Normal Modes
- 16.11Topic: Beats
- 16.12Topic: Doppler Effect
- 16.13PYQ From Waves10 Minutes0 Questions
- 16.14NCERT Questions from Waves10 Minutes0 Questions
- Electric Charges And Fields17
- 17.0Topic: Electric Charge
- 17.1Topic: Methods of charging
- 17.2Topic: Basic Properties of Electric Charge
- 17.3Topic: Coulomb’s Law
- 17.4Topic: Forces between Multiple Charges
- 17.5Topic: Electric Field
- 17.6Topic: Electric Field due to a system of charges
- 17.7Subtopic: Physical significance of Electric Field
- 17.8Topic: Electric Field Lines
- 17.9Topic: Electric Flux
- 17.10Topic: Electric Dipole
- 17.11Subtopic: Physical significance of Electric Dipole
- 17.12Subtopic: Dipole in a Uniform Electric Field
- 17.13Topic: Continuous Charge Distribution
- 17.14Topic: Gauss’s Law
- 17.15Topic: Application of Gauss Law
- 17.16FORMULA SHEET ( SBS special)
- Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance17
- 18.0Topic: Introduction
- 18.1Topic: Electrostatic Potential
- 18.2Topic: Potential due to a Point Charge
- 18.3Topic: Potential due to an Electric Dipole
- 18.4Topic: Potential due to a System of Charges
- 18.5Topic: Equipotential Surfaces
- 18.6Subtopic: Relation between Field and Potential
- 18.7Topic: Potential Energy of a system of charges
- 18.8Topic: Potential Energy in an External Field
- 18.9Topic: Electrostatics of Conductors
- 18.10Topic: Dielectrics and Polarisation
- 18.11Topic: Capacitors and Capacitance
- 18.12Topic: The parallel plate Capacitor
- 18.13Topic: Effect of Dielectric on Capacitance
- 18.14Topic: Combination of Capacitors
- 18.15Topic: Energy stored in a Capacitor
- Current Electricity22
- 19.0Topic: Electric Current
- 19.1Topic: Electric Current in Conductors
- 19.2Topic: Ohm’s Law
- 19.3Subtopic: Determination of dependence of R on dimensions of Conductors
- 19.4Topic: Drift of electrons (drift velocity)
- 19.5Topic: Origin of Resistivity
- 19.6Subtopic: Mobility
- 19.7Topic: Limitations of Ohm’s Law
- 19.8Topic: Resistivity of Various Materials
- 19.9Topic: Temperature dependence of Resistivity
- 19.10Topic: Electric Energy
- 19.11Topic: Power
- 19.12Topic: Combination of Resistors
- 19.13Topic: Cells
- 19.14Topic: EMF
- 19.15Topic: Internal Resistance
- 19.16Topic: Cells in series and in parallel
- 19.17Topic: Kirchhoff’s Rules
- 19.18Topic: Wheatstone Bridge
- 19.19Topic: Meter Bridge
- 19.20Topic: Potentiometer
- Moving Charges and Magnetism20
- 20.0Topic: Introduction
- 20.1Topic: Magnetic Force
- 20.2Subtopic: Magnetic Field
- 20.3Subtopic: Lorentz Force
- 20.4Topic: Magnetic force on a Current- carrying conductor
- 20.5Topic: Motion in a Magnetic field
- 20.6Topic: Motion in Combined Electric and Magnetic Fields (Velocity Selector)
- 20.7Subtopic: Cyclotron
- 20.8Topic: Biot-Savart Law
- 20.9Topic: Magnetic field on the Axis of a Circular Current loop
- 20.10Topic: Ampere’s Circuital Law
- 20.11Topic: The Solenoid
- 20.12Topic: The Toroid
- 20.13Topic: Force Between two parallel currents, THE AMPERE
- 20.14Topic: Torque on Current Loop, Magnetic Dipole
- 20.15Subtopic: Torque on a rectangular current loop in an uniform magnetic field
- 20.16Subtopic: Circular Current loop as a Magnetic Dipole
- 20.17Topic: The magnetic Dipole Moment of a revolving electron
- 20.18Topic: The Moving coil Galvanometer
- Magnetism and Matter13
- 21.0Topic: Introduction
- 21.1Topic: The Bar Magnet
- 21.2Subtopic: The Magnetic Field Lines
- 21.3Subtopic: Bar magnet as an equivalent solenoid
- 21.4Subtopic: The Dipole in a Uniform Magnetic field
- 21.5Subtopic: The electrostatic analog
- 21.6Topic: Magnetism and Gauss’s Law
- 21.7Topic: The Earth’s Magnetism
- 21.8Topic: Magnetisation and Magnetic Intensity
- 21.9Topic: Magnetic Properties of Materials
- 21.10Topic: permanent Magnet
- 21.11Topic: Electromagnet
- Electromagnetic Induction13
- 22.0Topic: Introduction
- 22.1Topic: The Experiments of Faraday and Henry
- 22.2Topic: Magnetic Flux
- 22.3Topic: Faraday’s Law of Induction
- 22.4Topic: Lenz Law and Conservation of Energy
- 22.5Topic: Motional Electromotive Force
- 22.6Topic: Energy Consideration: A quantitative study
- 22.7Topic: Eddy Currents
- 22.8Topic: Inductance
- 22.9Subtopic: Mutual Inductance
- 22.10Subtopic: Self Inductance
- 22.11Topic: AC Generator
- Alternating Current15
- 23.0Topic: Introduction
- 23.1Topic: AC Voltage applied to a Resistor
- 23.2Topic: Representation of AC Current and Voltage by Rotating Vectors- Phasors
- 23.3Topic: AC Voltage applied to an Inductor
- 23.4Topic: AC Voltage applied to a Capacitor
- 23.5Topic: AC Voltage applied to a series LCR Circuit
- 23.6Subtopic: Phasor Diagram method
- 23.7Subtopic: Analytical solution
- 23.8Subtopic: Resonance
- 23.9Sub-subtopic: Sharpness of Resonance
- 23.10Topic: Power in AC Circuit: The Power Factor
- 23.11Topic: LC Oscillations
- 23.12Topic: Transformers
- 23.13Topic: RC/RL Circuits with DC Source
- Electromagnetic Waves13
- 24.0Topic: Introduction
- 24.1Topic: Displacement Current
- 24.2Subtopic: Maxwell’s Equations
- 24.3Topic: Electromagnetic Waves- Sources
- 24.4Subtopic: Nature of electromagnetic waves
- 24.5Topic: Electromagnetic Spectrum
- 24.6Subtopic: Radio waves
- 24.7Subtopic: Microwaves
- 24.8Subtopic: Infrared waves
- 24.9Subtopic: Visible Rays
- 24.10Subtopic: Ultraviolet rays
- 24.11Subtopic: X- rays
- 24.12Subtopic: Gamma rays
- Ray Optics and Optical Instruments17
- 25.1Topic: Instruments
- 25.2Topic: Spherical Mirrors
- 25.3Subtopic: Sign convention
- 25.4Subtopic: Focal length of Spherical Mirrors
- 25.5Subtopic: The mirror equation
- 25.6Topic: Refraction
- 25.7Topic: Total Internal Reflection
- 25.8Subtopic: Total Internal Reflection in nature and it’s technological application
- 25.9Topic: Refraction at Spherical surfaces
- 25.10Topic: Lens
- 25.11Topic: Refraction by a lens
- 25.12Subtopic: Power of a lens
- 25.13Subtopic: Combination of thin lenses in contact
- 25.14Topic: Refraction through a Prism
- 25.15Topic: Optical Instruments
- 25.16Topic: Some natural phenomena due to sunlight
- Wave Optics17
- 26.0Topic: Introduction
- 26.1Topic: Huygens Principle
- 26.2Topic: Refraction of a plane wave
- 26.3Topic: Refraction at a rarer medium
- 26.4Topic: Reflection of a plane wave by a plane surface
- 26.5Topic: The Doppler Effect
- 26.6Topic: Interference of Light Waves and Young’s Experiment
- 26.7Topic: Diffraction
- 26.8Subtopic: The single slit
- 26.9Topic: Coherent And Incoherent Addition of Waves
- 26.10Subtopic: Single slit Diffraction pattern
- 26.11Topic: Resolving power of Optical Instruments
- 26.12Subtopic: The validity of Ray optics
- 26.13Topic: Polarisation
- 26.14Subtopic: Polarisation By Scattering
- 26.15Subtopic: Polarisation by reflection
- Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter13
- 27.0Topic: Introduction
- 27.1Topic: Electron Emission
- 27.2Topic: Photoelectric Effect
- 27.3Topic: Experimental study of Photoelectric Effect
- 27.4Subtopic: Effect of intensity of light on photocurrents
- 27.5Subtopic: Effect of Potential on Photoelectric current
- 27.6Subtopic: Effect of frequency of incident radiation on stopping Potential
- 27.7Topic: Photoelectric Effect and Wave Theory of Light
- 27.8Topic: Einstein’s Photoelectric Equation: Energy Quantum of Radiation
- 27.9Topic: Quantum Nature of Light: The Photon
- 27.10Topic: Wave Nature of Matter
- 27.11Topic Davisson And Germer Experiment
- Atoms11
- 28.0Topic: Introduction
- 28.1Topic: Alpha- Particle Scattering and Rutherford’s Nuclear Model of Atom
- 28.2Subtopic: Alpha Particle Trajectory
- 28.3Topic: Electron Orbits
- 28.4Topic: Atomic Spectra
- 28.5Topic: Spectral Series
- 28.6Topic: Bohr model of the Hydrogen Atom
- 28.7Subtopic: The energy levels
- 28.8Topic: The Line Spectra of the Hydrogen Atom
- 28.9Topic: De Broglie’s Explanation of Bohr’s second Postulate of Quantisation
- Nuclei16
- 29.1Topic: Atomic Masses and Composition of Nucleus
- 29.2Topic: Size of Nucleus
- 29.3Topic: Mass – Energy
- 29.4Topic: Nuclear Binding Energy
- 29.5Topic: Nuclear Forces
- 29.6Topic: Radioactivity
- 29.7Subtopic: Law of radioactive decay
- 29.8Subtopic: Alpha Decay
- 29.9Subtopic: Beta decay
- 29.10Subtopic: Gamma decay
- 29.11Topic: Nuclear Energy
- 29.12Subtopic: Fission
- 29.13Subtopic: Nuclear Reactor
- 29.14Subtopic: Nuclear Fusion – Energy generation in stars
- 29.15Subtopic: Controlled thermonuclear fusion
- Semiconductors15
- 30.1Topic: Introduction
- 30.2Topic: Classification of Metals, Conductors and Semiconductors
- 30.3Topic: Intrinsic Semiconductors
- 30.4Topic: Extrinsic Semiconductors
- 30.5Topic: p-n junction
- 30.6Topic: Semiconductor Diode
- 30.7Subtopic: p-n junction diode under forward bias
- 30.8Subtopic: p-n junction diode under reverse bias
- 30.9Topic: Application of Junction Diode as a Rectifier
- 30.10Topic: Zener Diode
- 30.11Topic: Photodiode
- 30.12Topic: Light Emitting diode
- 30.13Topic: Solar Cell
- 30.14Topic: Logic Gates