DefÂiÂnÂiÂtion: A chronÂic resÂpiÂraÂtoÂry conÂdiÂtion charÂacÂterÂized by difÂfiÂculÂty in breathÂing.
Cause: InflamÂmaÂtion of the bronchi and bronÂchiÂoles (smallÂer airÂways in the lungs).
ShortÂness of breath
Chest tightÂness
MechÂaÂnism: InflamÂmaÂtion narÂrows the airÂways, makÂing it hardÂer for air to flow in and out of the lungs.
TrigÂgers: (Vary wideÂly)
AllerÂgens (pollen, dust mites, pet danÂder)
Cold air
II. Emphysema
DefÂiÂnÂiÂtion: A chronÂic, proÂgresÂsive lung disÂease.
Cause: DamÂage to the alveÂoÂlar walls (tiny air sacs in the lungs responÂsiÂble for gas exchange).
Effect: Decreased resÂpiÂraÂtoÂry surÂface area, leadÂing to reduced oxyÂgen uptake and difÂfiÂculÂty breathÂing.
Major Cause: CigÂaÂrette smokÂing.
OthÂer CausÂes:
GenetÂic facÂtors
Long-term expoÂsure to air polÂluÂtants
MechÂaÂnism: DestrucÂtion of alveÂoÂlar walls leads to largÂer, less effiÂcient air spaces, reducÂing the lungs’ abilÂiÂty to transÂfer oxyÂgen into the bloodÂstream.
III. Occupational Respiratory Disorders
DefÂiÂnÂiÂtion: Lung disÂeases caused by inhalÂing dust, fumes, or othÂer irriÂtants in the workÂplace.
SpeÂcifÂic ExamÂple: GrindÂing and stone-breakÂing indusÂtries genÂerÂate sigÂnifÂiÂcant dust.
Body’s Defense MechÂaÂnism:
ResÂpiÂraÂtoÂry sysÂtem has natÂurÂal defensÂes to trap and remove inhaled parÂtiÂcles (e.g., cilÂia, mucus).
ProbÂlem: In heavÂiÂly polÂlutÂed enviÂronÂments, these defensÂes can be overÂwhelmed.
ConÂseÂquences of Long ExpoÂsure:
FibroÂsis (proÂlifÂerÂaÂtion of fibrous tisÂsue)
SeriÂous lung damÂage
FibroÂsis: ScarÂring of lung tisÂsue, makÂing it stiff and less elasÂtic, furÂther impairÂing breathÂing.
PreÂvenÂtion: ProÂtecÂtive masks for workÂers in high-risk indusÂtries are cruÂcial.