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Destiny Vs Dreams | Storyline | Story 2

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Des­tiny Vs Dreams | Sto­ry­line | Sto­ry 2


This Sto­ry and Sto­ry­line By Study Bud­dy Share­line is intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty and copy­right­ed to © Pra­teek Sin­ha

Introduction to the Series

Life is a story—some sto­ries are real, some are imag­ined, but all hold a touch of truth.

This series is for those who fight for their dreams, who refuse to bow down before cir­cum­stances, and who believe that no mat­ter how dark the night, the dawn always arrives. These are not just fic­tion­al tales; they are reflec­tions of the strug­gles and tri­umphs of count­less indi­vid­u­als.

And today’s sto­ry is about a girl who want­ed to ful­fill her father’s dream—but life had dif­fer­ent plans for her…

A Father’s Unfinished Dream

For Neha, her world revolved around just two things—her­self and her father.

She had lost her moth­er to a chron­ic ill­ness. When her moth­er was alive, at least there was some­one to under­stand the val­ue of edu­ca­tion in their home. But after her pass­ing, every­thing changed.

Neha dreamed of becom­ing a doc­tor. She was prepar­ing for NEET, but her rel­a­tives had a dif­fer­ent opin­ion.

“A girl’s true home is her husband’s home, what will she do with edu­ca­tion?” they would say.

But her father stood like a wall between her and the world. He pro­tect­ed her dreams. He argued, he fought, and he said the same thing over and over again—

“My daugh­ter will study. She will become a doc­tor.”

But chas­ing dreams is nev­er easy.

Her father ran a small shop. His earn­ings were mea­ger, but he some­how man­aged to pay for Neha’s coach­ing fees. Every day was a new strug­gle—some­times there wasn’t enough mon­ey, some­times there were taunts from soci­ety. But no mat­ter what, he nev­er gave up.

Neha often stud­ied late into the night, some­times by can­dle­light when pow­er cuts hit. She had start­ed rely­ing on audio expla­na­tions to revise con­cepts in the lit­tle time she got between chores. Quick knowl­edge bites helped her retain for­mu­las even dur­ing short breaks. Her father always encour­aged her to make the best of what­ev­er resources she had.

And then… the worst hap­pened.

The Worst Tragedy

One day, Neha’s father fell seri­ous­ly ill.

At first, it seemed like minor weak­ness. But soon, his con­di­tion wors­ened. Doc­tors diag­nosed him with a rare dis­or­der.

Bed rest turned into hos­pi­tal­iza­tion.
And then… one night…

He slipped into a coma.

The man who had fought against the world for his daughter’s dreams was now lying silent, uncon­scious.

For Neha, this wasn’t just about los­ing her father’s presence—it felt like los­ing her rea­son to live.

And as if this tragedy wasn’t enough, her rel­a­tives became even more force­ful.

“Now that your father is gone, who will sup­port your stud­ies? It’s bet­ter you get mar­ried.”

Neha want­ed to give up. She want­ed to throw away her books, lock her­self in a room, and dis­ap­pear.

But some­thing stopped her—her father’s dream.

She vis­it­ed him in the hos­pi­tal every day, sat beside him, and spoke to him.

“Papa, I am scared. What should I do?”

But there was no response.

And one day… with­out ask­ing for her con­sent, her mar­riage was fixed.

The End of a Dream?

The wed­ding took place.

A new home. New peo­ple.

NEET books were locked inside an old cup­board.

The girl who once dreamed of wear­ing a white coat was now wrapped in tra­di­tion­al wed­ding attire, play­ing the role assigned to her by soci­ety.

She thought, “My dream is just a sto­ry now. It’s over.”

Months passed. One evening, feel­ing suf­fo­cat­ed, she called her teacher, Sin­ha Sir.

She told him every­thing.

There was a long silence on the oth­er side of the phone. Even Sin­ha Sir was shocked.

And then he said just one thing:

“Ask your hus­band to help you study for NEET.”

Neha laughed bit­ter­ly.

“How can that be pos­si­ble?” she thought.

But that night, she gath­ered all her courage and spoke to her hus­band. She told him about her dream, about how her father want­ed her to become a doc­tor.

At first, she feared that he would laugh, refuse, or worse, get angry.

But to her shock, her hus­band agreed.

That night, tears rolled down her cheeks—not of pain, but of hope.

The Day She Won

Now, Neha is study­ing again.

Her hus­band became her sup­port. He encour­aged her, helped her man­age her time, and told her—

“You are not just my wife. You are a per­son with a dream, and you deserve to live it.”

She resumed her stud­ies, this time with a new deter­mi­na­tion. Her old notes were still intact, and now, with struc­tured revi­sion plans and doubt-solv­ing com­mu­ni­ties, she final­ly found her­self catch­ing up on lost time. Every study resource became a bridge, help­ing her reclaim her dream.

Today, Neha is in her fourth semes­ter at a Gov­ern­ment Med­ical Col­lege.

Every time she walks through the hos­pi­tal cor­ri­dors, every time she checks a patient, she thinks of her father.

He is still in a coma.

But she knows… the day he wakes up, his daugh­ter will already be a doc­tor.

And that will be the great­est vic­to­ry of all.

Dreams Never Die

Every sto­ry is a les­son. Neha’s sto­ry teach­es us that no mat­ter how dif­fi­cult life becomes, if you hold on to your dreams, the path will appear.

No dream is too big. And if a hus­band can under­stand his wife’s ambi­tion, if a teacher can guide his stu­dent, then there is still hope in this world.

Because dreams nev­er die, as long as some­one has the courage to live them.

At Study Buddy Shareline, we believe in the power of genuine connections, intellectual growth, and the boundless exploration of diverse interests.

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