Kingdom Monera

KingÂdom MonÂera
- BacÂteÂria:
- Sole memÂbers of KingÂdom MonÂera.
- Most abunÂdant microorÂganÂisms on Earth.
- UbiqÂuiÂtous (found almost everyÂwhere):
- Soil
- Extreme habiÂtats (hot springs, deserts, snow, deep oceans)
- On/in othÂer organÂisms as parÂaÂsites
- BacÂteÂrÂiÂal Shapes:
- CocÂcus (cocÂci): SpherÂiÂcal
- BacilÂlus (bacilÂli): Rod-shaped
- VibÂriÂum (vibÂrio): ComÂma-shaped
- SpirÂilÂlum (spirÂilÂla): SpiÂral

- CharÂacÂterÂisÂtics:
- SimÂple strucÂture, but comÂplex behavÂior.
- MetaÂbolÂic diverÂsiÂty:
- AutotrophÂic: SynÂtheÂsize their own food from inorÂganÂic subÂstrates.
- PhoÂtoÂsynÂthetÂic autotrophs (use sunÂlight)
- ChemosynÂthetÂic autotrophs (use chemÂiÂcals)
- HetÂerotrophÂic: MajorÂiÂty of bacÂteÂria; obtain food from othÂer organÂisms or dead organÂic matÂter.
- AutotrophÂic: SynÂtheÂsize their own food from inorÂganÂic subÂstrates.