NTA Confirms to Revert to Pre-Pandemic Exam Pattern NEET 2025

The NationÂal TestÂing Agency (NTA) has offiÂcialÂly announced that the NationÂal EliÂgiÂbilÂiÂty cum Entrance Test (UnderÂgradÂuÂate) [NEET (UG)] 2025 will return to its pre-panÂdemÂic examÂiÂnaÂtion patÂtern. This deciÂsion marks a sigÂnifÂiÂcant shift from the adjustÂments made durÂing the COVID-19 panÂdemÂic to accomÂmoÂdate stuÂdents and ensure the conÂtiÂnuÂity of assessÂments.​
Key Changes in NEET (UG) 2025:
- ElimÂiÂnaÂtion of SecÂtion B:
- The quesÂtion paper will no longer feaÂture SecÂtion B, which preÂviÂousÂly offered canÂdiÂdates interÂnal choicÂes among quesÂtions. This reverÂsion aims to stanÂdardÂize the assessÂment forÂmat, ensurÂing uniÂforÂmiÂty in evalÂuÂatÂing all canÂdiÂdates.​
- StanÂdardÂized ExamÂiÂnaÂtion DuraÂtion:
- The duraÂtion of the examÂiÂnaÂtion will align with the traÂdiÂtionÂal pre-panÂdemÂic strucÂture, proÂvidÂing canÂdiÂdates with a conÂsisÂtent timeÂframe to comÂplete the test.​
ImpliÂcaÂtions for AspiÂrants:
CanÂdiÂdates preparÂing for NEET (UG) 2025 should adjust their study strateÂgies to align with the reinÂstatÂed exam pattern.Familiarity with the traÂdiÂtionÂal strucÂture will be cruÂcial for effecÂtive prepaÂraÂtion and time manÂageÂment durÂing the examÂiÂnaÂtion.​
OffiÂcial NotiÂfiÂcaÂtion:
The NTA has released a detailed pubÂlic notice regardÂing these changes, which can be accessed on their offiÂcial website.Aspirants and stakeÂholdÂers are encourÂaged to review the notice to underÂstand the modÂiÂfiÂcaÂtions thorÂoughÂly. ​nta.ac.in
ConÂtact InforÂmaÂtion:
For furÂther clarÂiÂfiÂcaÂtions relatÂed to NEET (UG) 2025, canÂdiÂdates can conÂtact the NTA helpline at +91–11-40759000 or email at neetug2025@nta.ac.in. RegÂuÂlar updates and addiÂtionÂal inforÂmaÂtion will be postÂed on the offiÂcial NEET webÂsite: https://neet.nta.nic.in/.​
AspiÂrants are advised to stay informed by regÂuÂlarÂly checkÂing the offiÂcial NTA and NEET webÂsites for the most recent updates and inforÂmaÂtion.​