NTA Releases Admit Cards for CUET (PG) 2025

The NationÂal TestÂing Agency (NTA) has announced the release of admit cards for the ComÂmon UniÂverÂsiÂty Entrance Test [CUET (PG) – 2025], facilÂiÂtatÂing admisÂsions to postÂgradÂuÂate coursÂes for the acaÂdÂeÂmÂic sesÂsion 2025–26. The examÂiÂnaÂtions are schedÂuled from March 13 to April 1, 2025, in a comÂputÂer-based forÂmat. ​nta.ac.in
Admit Card AvailÂabilÂiÂty:
- CanÂdiÂdates schedÂuled to appear between March 13 and 20, 2025, can now downÂload their admit cards from the offiÂcial CUET (PG) webÂsite: https://exams.nta.ac.in/CUET-PG/.​nta.ac.in
- Admit cards for examÂiÂnaÂtions after March 20, 2025, will be released subÂseÂquentÂly.​nta.ac.in
Advance IntiÂmaÂtion of ExamÂiÂnaÂtion City:
The NTA has preÂviÂousÂly proÂvidÂed advance inforÂmaÂtion regardÂing examÂiÂnaÂtion cities on March 6, 2025, accesÂsiÂble at:​
InstrucÂtions for CanÂdiÂdates:
- ProÂviÂsionÂal Issuance: Admit cards are issued proÂviÂsionÂalÂly, subÂject to eliÂgiÂbilÂiÂty verÂiÂfiÂcaÂtion.​nta.ac.in
- DelivÂery Mode: Admit cards will not be sent by post; they must be downÂloaded online.​nta.ac.in
- IntegriÂty of DocÂuÂment: CanÂdiÂdates should not mutiÂlate or alter any details on the admit card.​nta.ac.in
- EliÂgiÂbilÂiÂty ConÂfirÂmaÂtion: Issuance of the admit card does not conÂfirm final eliÂgiÂbilÂiÂty, which will be verÂiÂfied durÂing subÂseÂquent admisÂsion stages.​
- PreserÂvaÂtion: MainÂtain the admit card in good conÂdiÂtion for future refÂerÂence.​nta.ac.in
ConÂtact InforÂmaÂtion:
For assisÂtance or to report disÂcrepÂanÂcies in admit card details:
- Help Desk: 011–40759000​nta.ac.in
- Email: helpdesk-cuetpg@nta.ac.in​nta.ac.in
CanÂdiÂdates are advised to regÂuÂlarÂly visÂit the offiÂcial NTA webÂsite and the CUET (PG) porÂtal for the latÂest updates regardÂing the examÂiÂnaÂtion.​nta.ac.in
For detailed inforÂmaÂtion, refer to the offiÂcial NTA notice: https://nta.ac.in/Download/Notice/Notice_20250309164727.pdf