Taxonomic Categories
TaxÂoÂnomÂic CatÂeÂgories
ClasÂsiÂfiÂcaÂtion is a hierÂarÂchiÂcal process of orgaÂnizÂing livÂing organÂisms into groups based on shared charÂacÂterÂisÂtics. Each levÂel in this hierÂarÂchy is a taxÂoÂnomÂic catÂeÂgoÂry, and all the catÂeÂgories togethÂer form the taxÂoÂnomÂic hierÂarÂchy. Each catÂeÂgoÂry repÂreÂsents a rank or taxÂon.
TaxÂoÂnomÂic HierÂarÂchy
The major taxÂoÂnomÂic catÂeÂgories, in descendÂing order, are:
- KingÂdom: The broadÂest catÂeÂgoÂry (e.g., KingÂdom PlanÂtae, KingÂdom AniÂmalia)
- Phylum/Division: For plants, the term “diviÂsion” is used. All aniÂmals with a notoÂchord and dorÂsal holÂlow neurÂal sysÂtem are in PhyÂlum ChorÂdaÂta.
- Class: RelatÂed orders are grouped into a class. Order PriÂmaÂta (monÂkeys, gorilÂlas, gibÂbons) and Order CarÂnivoÂra (tigers, cats, dogs) are in Class MamÂmalia.
- Order: AssemÂblage of famÂiÂlies with some simÂiÂlar charÂacÂters. Plant famÂiÂlies ConÂvolvuÂlaceae and Solanaceae are in Order PolyÂmoÂniÂales. FelÂiÂdae and Canidae are in Order CarÂnivoÂra.
- FamÂiÂly: Group of relatÂed genÂera with fewÂer simÂiÂlarÂiÂties than genus or species. GenÂera Solanum, PetuÂnia, and DatuÂra are in FamÂiÂly Solanaceae. PanÂthera (lions, tigers, leopÂards) and Felis (cats) are in FamÂiÂly FelÂiÂdae.
- Genus: A group of relatÂed species with more charÂacÂters in comÂmon than species of othÂer genÂera. Solanum includes tuberoÂsum (potaÂto) and melÂonÂgeÂna (eggÂplant). PanÂthera includes leo (lion), parÂdus (leopÂard), and tigris (tiger).
- Species: The most basic unit, a group of indiÂvidÂuÂals with funÂdaÂmenÂtal simÂiÂlarÂiÂties. Mangifera indiÂca (manÂgo), Solanum tuberoÂsum (potaÂto), and PanÂthera leo (lion) are examÂples of species.
Key Points
- Species: Defined by funÂdaÂmenÂtal simÂiÂlarÂiÂties and disÂtinct morÂphoÂlogÂiÂcal difÂferÂences. The sciÂenÂtifÂic name includes the genus and species (e.g., Homo sapiÂens).
- Genus: GenÂera are aggreÂgates of closeÂly relatÂed species.
- HighÂer CatÂeÂgories: As you move up the hierÂarÂchy (famÂiÂly, order, class, phylum/division, kingÂdom), the numÂber of comÂmon charÂacÂterÂisÂtics decreasÂes.
- Species: Mangifera indiÂca, Solanum tuberoÂsum, PanÂthera leo, PanÂthera tigris, Solanum nigrum, Solanum melÂonÂgeÂna, Homo sapiÂens
- Genus: Mangifera, Solanum, PanÂthera, Homo, Felis
- FamÂiÂly: Solanaceae, FelÂiÂdae, Canidae
- Order: PolyÂmoÂniÂales, CarÂnivoÂra
- Class: MamÂmalia
- PhyÂlum: ChorÂdaÂta
- KingÂdom: PlanÂtae, AniÂmalia
Table 1.1 From NCERT

The table proÂvides a clear illusÂtraÂtion of the taxÂoÂnomÂic hierÂarÂchy using examÂples of Man, HouseÂfly, ManÂgo, and Wheat. It shows how each organÂism is clasÂsiÂfied from species to kingÂdom.
ImporÂtant ConÂsidÂerÂaÂtions
- ClasÂsiÂfiÂcaÂtion becomes more comÂplex at highÂer levÂels of the hierÂarÂchy.
- TaxÂoÂnomÂic catÂeÂgories repÂreÂsent disÂtinct bioÂlogÂiÂcal entiÂties, not just morÂphoÂlogÂiÂcal aggreÂgates.