What is Living ?

CharÂacÂterÂisÂtics of LivÂing Things:
- ExcluÂsive CharÂacÂterÂisÂtic: The abilÂiÂty to perÂceive events in the enviÂronÂment and retain their memÂoÂry is a unique charÂacÂterÂisÂtic of livÂing things.
- DisÂtinÂguishÂing FeaÂture: The abilÂiÂty to interÂact with the enviÂronÂment and underÂgo proÂgresÂsive evoÂluÂtion is a key feaÂture that sepÂaÂrates livÂing organÂisms from non-livÂing things.
- BioÂlogÂiÂcal OrgaÂniÂzaÂtion: The orgaÂniÂzaÂtion of life begins at the subÂmiÂcroÂscopÂic molÂeÂcÂuÂlar levÂel.
- MetabÂoÂlism: LivÂing organÂisms carÂry out comÂplex metaÂbolÂic reacÂtions, includÂing anabolism (buildÂing up) and catabÂoÂlism (breakÂing down) processÂes.
- Growth: LivÂing things exhibÂit growth from withÂin, increasÂing in mass and size through interÂnal processÂes.
- ReproÂducÂtion: The abilÂiÂty to proÂduce offÂspring and perÂpetÂuÂate their species is a charÂacÂterÂisÂtic of livÂing organÂisms.
- MoveÂment: LivÂing things can move in response to stimÂuli or to explore their enviÂronÂment.
- ResponÂsiveÂness: The abilÂiÂty to sense and respond to changes in the enviÂronÂment is a funÂdaÂmenÂtal charÂacÂterÂisÂtic of life.
BinoÂmiÂal NomenÂclaÂture:
- ComÂpoÂnents: BinoÂmiÂal nomenÂclaÂture conÂsists of two comÂpoÂnents:
SciÂenÂtifÂic names are writÂten In ItalÂics when printÂed and underÂlined when handÂwritÂten.
eg. Mangifera indiÂca (PrintÂed) | Mangifera indiÂca (Hand WritÂten)
- GenerÂic name: The name of the genus to which the organÂism belongs. First LetÂter Bold
- SpeÂcifÂic epiÂthet: The species name that disÂtinÂguishÂes the organÂism withÂin its genus.
- ProÂposed by: CarÂoÂlus LinÂnaeus proÂposed the binoÂmiÂal nomenÂclaÂture sysÂtem.
PYQs (PreÂviÂous Year QuesÂtions):
- ExcluÂsive charÂacÂterÂisÂtic of livÂing things:
- Options:
- (a) IsoÂlatÂed metaÂbolÂic reacÂtions occur in vitÂro
- (b) Increase in mass from inside only
- © PerÂcepÂtion of events hapÂpenÂing in the enviÂronÂment and their memÂoÂry
- (d) Increase in mass by accuÂmuÂlaÂtion of mateÂrÂiÂal1 both on surÂface as well as interÂnalÂly2
- Answer: © PerÂcepÂtion of events hapÂpenÂing in the enviÂronÂment and their memÂoÂry
- Year: 2011
- Options:
- DisÂtinÂguishÂing feaÂture of livÂing organÂisms:
- Options:
- (a) interÂacÂtion with the enviÂronÂment and proÂgresÂsive evoÂluÂtion
- (b) reproÂducÂtion
- © growth and moveÂment
- (d) responÂsiveÂness to touch3
- Answer: (a) interÂacÂtion with the enviÂronÂment and proÂgresÂsive evoÂluÂtion
- Year: 2007
- Options:
- Start of bioÂlogÂiÂcal orgaÂniÂzaÂtion:
- Options:
- (a) celÂluÂlar levÂel
- (b) organÂisÂmic levÂel
- © atomÂic levÂel
- (d) subÂmiÂcroÂscopÂic molÂeÂcÂuÂlar levÂel
- Answer: (d) subÂmiÂcroÂscopÂic molÂeÂcÂuÂlar levÂel
- Year: 2007
- Options:
AddiÂtionÂal Notes:
- In vitÂro: Refers to processÂes or reacÂtions occurÂring outÂside a livÂing organÂism, typÂiÂcalÂly in a labÂoÂraÂtoÂry setÂting.
- Genus: A taxÂoÂnomÂic rank that groups closeÂly relatÂed species.
- Species: A group of organÂisms capaÂble of interÂbreedÂing and proÂducÂing ferÂtile offÂspring.