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Topic: Classification of Animals

Introduction 🔹 The king­dom Ani­malia con­sists of mul­ti­cel­lu­lar organ­isms that are clas­si­fied based on their lev­els of orga­ni­za­tion, body sym­me­try, and coelom (body cav­i­ty).🔹 This […] [...]

Subtopic: Notochord

NOTOCHORD: CHORDATES:Ani­mals that pos­sess a noto­chord. NON-CHORDATES:Ani­mals that do not form a noto­chord. Exam­ples: Porifera to Echin­o­derms. [...]

Subtopic: Segmentation

SEGMENTATION: In some ani­mals, the body is exter­nal­ly and inter­nal­ly divid­ed into seg­ments with a ser­i­al rep­e­ti­tion of at least […] [...]

Subtopic: Symmetry

Ani­mal Sym­me­try: Ani­mals can be cat­e­go­rized based on their body sym­me­try. ASYMMETRY: Sponges are most­ly asymmetrical.No plane pass­ing through the […] [...]

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