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  • Dinofla­gel­lates: Most­ly marine (salt­wa­ter) organ­isms with the abil­i­ty to pho­to­syn­the­size (like plants).
  • Appear­ance:
  • Exhib­it a vari­ety of col­ors (yel­low, green, brown, blue, red) depend­ing on the pig­ments with­in their cells.
  • Struc­ture:
    • Pos­sess a cell wall with stiff cel­lu­lose plates pro­vid­ing struc­tur­al sup­port.
    • Have two fla­gel­la (whip-like struc­tures for move­ment):
      • One fla­gel­lum runs lon­gi­tu­di­nal­ly (along the length).
      • The oth­er fla­gel­lum is trans­verse (across the width) in a groove between the cell wall plates.
  • Red Tides:
    • Some dinofla­gel­lates, like Gonyaulax, can mul­ti­ply rapid­ly, caus­ing “red tides.”
    • These blooms can release tox­ins that harm marine life, includ­ing fish.

Test: Dinofla­gel­lates

Check your knowl­edge about the top­ic: Dinofla­gel­late

1 / 5

How do dinofla­gel­lates obtain their food?

2 / 5

What is the cell wall of dinofla­gel­lates made of?

3 / 5

What caus­es “Red Tides”?

4 / 5

What do dinofla­gel­lates use for move­ment?

5 / 5

Where are dinofla­gel­lates pre­dom­i­nant­ly found?

Your score is

The aver­age score is 60%


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