- HabiÂtat: PriÂmarÂiÂly freshÂwaÂter organÂisms inhabÂitÂing stagÂnant water.
- Cell StrucÂture: Lack a rigid cell wall; posÂsess a proÂtein-rich layÂer called a pelÂliÂcle, proÂvidÂing flexÂiÂbilÂiÂty.
- MoveÂment: Equipped with two flaÂgelÂla, one short and one long, for locoÂmoÂtion.
- NutriÂtion: ExhibÂit mixotrophÂic nutriÂtion:
- PhoÂtoÂsynÂthetÂic in the presÂence of sunÂlight (autotrophÂic).
- HetÂerotrophÂic in the absence of sunÂlight, preÂdatÂing on smallÂer organÂisms.
- PigÂments: ConÂtain phoÂtoÂsynÂthetÂic pigÂments idenÂtiÂcal to those found in highÂer plants (chloroÂphyll a and b).
- ExamÂple: EugleÂna