Laws of Chemical Combinations
Laws of ChemÂiÂcal ComÂbiÂnaÂtions Notes
1. Law of ConÂserÂvaÂtion of Mass
- In all physÂiÂcal and chemÂiÂcal changes, there is no net change in mass durÂing the process.
- MatÂter can neiÂther be creÂatÂed nor destroyed.
2. Law of DefÂiÂnite ProÂporÂtions
- A givÂen comÂpound always conÂtains exactÂly the same proÂporÂtion of eleÂments by weight.
- The validÂiÂty of this law has been conÂfirmed by varÂiÂous experÂiÂments.
- It is someÂtimes also referred to as Law of DefÂiÂnite ComÂpoÂsiÂtion.
3. Law of MulÂtiÂple ProÂporÂtions
- If two eleÂments can comÂbine to form more than one comÂpound, the massÂes of one eleÂment that comÂbine with a fixed mass of the othÂer eleÂment are in the ratio of small whole numÂbers.
4. Gay LusÂsac’s Law of Gaseous VolÂumes
- When gasÂes comÂbine or are proÂduced in a chemÂiÂcal reacÂtion, they do so in a simÂple ratio by volÂume, proÂvidÂed all gasÂes are at the same temÂperÂaÂture and presÂsure.

5. AvoÂgadro’s Law
- Equal volÂumes of all gasÂes at the same temÂperÂaÂture and presÂsure should conÂtain an equal numÂber of molÂeÂcules.

6. DalÂton’s AtomÂic TheÂoÂry
- MatÂter conÂsists of indiÂvisÂiÂble atoms.
- All atoms of a givÂen eleÂment have idenÂtiÂcal propÂerÂties, includÂing idenÂtiÂcal mass. Atoms of difÂferÂent eleÂments difÂfer in mass.
- ComÂpounds are formed when atoms of difÂferÂent eleÂments comÂbine in a fixed ratio.
- ChemÂiÂcal reacÂtions involve the reorÂgaÂniÂzaÂtion of atoms. These are neiÂther creÂatÂed nor destroyed in a chemÂiÂcal reacÂtion.
7.AtomÂic and MolÂeÂcÂuÂlar MassÂes
- AtomÂic Mass: The mass of an atom of a chemÂiÂcal eleÂment expressed in atomÂic mass units (amu).
- MolÂeÂcÂuÂlar Mass: The sum of the atomÂic massÂes of all atoms in a molÂeÂcule of the subÂstance.

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