Matter And State Of Matter

Nature of MatÂter
- DefÂiÂnÂiÂtion: AnyÂthing that has mass and occuÂpies space.
- ExamÂples: Books, pens, water, air, livÂing beings.
- States of MatÂter: MatÂter exists in three priÂmaÂry states:
- SolÂid:
- ParÂtiÂcles are tightÂly packed and ordered.
- DefÂiÂnite shape and volÂume.
- LiqÂuid:
- ParÂtiÂcles are close togethÂer but can move around.
- DefÂiÂnite volÂume but takes the shape of its conÂtainÂer.
- Gas:
- ParÂtiÂcles are far apart and move freely.
- No defÂiÂnite shape or volÂume; fills its conÂtainÂer.
- SolÂid:
InterÂconÂverÂsion of States:
- ChangÂing temÂperÂaÂture and presÂsure can change the state of matÂter.
- HeatÂing: SolÂid → LiqÂuid → Gas
- CoolÂing: Gas → LiqÂuid → SolÂid
Key ConÂcepts:
The arrangeÂment and moveÂment of parÂtiÂcles deterÂmine the state of matÂter.
Solids have the least freeÂdom of parÂtiÂcle moveÂment,
while gasÂes have the most.Matter can tranÂsiÂtion between states through heatÂing or coolÂing.