Visual Pathway


Seeing is a remarkable feat, and the visual pathway is the intricate route that makes it possible. Light entering your eye first lands on the retina, a light-sensitive layer packed with rods and cones. These tiny cells convert light into electrical signals. Millions of these signals then travel down the optic nerve from each eye. At a crucial junction called the optic chiasm, the nerves from the inner halves of your eyes crisscross. This ensures proper visual field processing in the brain.After the chiasm, information separates based on left or right visual field and travels along optic tracts. Finally, the signals reach the lateral geniculate nucleus, a relay station in the thalamus that sorts and prepares them. The journey culminates in the visual cortex, located in the brain’s occipital lobe. Here, the electrical signals transform into the vivid image you perceive, allowing you to experience the world around you.

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